George Hill to AAP: 31 Oct 1996

                        GEORGE HILL
                   1323 NORTH RIVER ROAD
                 PORT ALLEN, LA 70767-3303
                     TEL: 504-383-8067
                     FAX: 504-381-8200
                     31 October 1996

Mr. Ed Zimmerman
Director of Physician Payment Systems
American Academy of Pediatrics
141 Northwest Point Boulevard
Elk Grove Village, Il   60009-0927

Re: New Study on Conservative treatment of phimosis.

Dear Ed:

   A new study published in England today confirms previous
studies that prove phimosis in boys can be effectively and
conservatively treated with topical application of steroid cream.

   This study reports a success rate of 90 to 95 percent without
side effects.  This new treatment should eliminate the necessity
for circumcision as a treatment for phimosis in nearly all cases.

   Please publish a special bulletin to all practicing
pediatricians informing them of the availability of this new
effective conservative treatment.

   A text file containing the journal article is attached below
for your convenience.

                                 Sincerely yours,

                                 George Hill

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