Pediatr Infect Dis Newsletter, Volume 10, Issue 6. 1984.
There were many papers at ICAAC on antibiotic therapy. [ICAAC: Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Washington DC, Oct. 8-10 1984.] ... Short-term antibiotic therapy for UTI: Gilbert Madrigal and Carla Odio, a former fellow of ours, evaluated three different regimens of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) in children with acute urinary tract infection. Those with more than four previous UTI episodes were excluded. Regimens of one dose, one dose daily for 3 days and one dose daily for 7 days were equally effective in the more than 150 children studied. Recurrence rates were from 7 to 13% in the 3 month follow-up period. Of interest was the failure rate of from 15-22% due to TMP/SMX-resistant coliforms. TMP/SMX is available over the counter and is mixed with cough medicines and other nostrums in Latin countries. No wonder there were so many resistant bugs.
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