Relation of circumcision to cancer of the cervix

Journal  American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 117, Issue 8, Pages 1056-1066. December 1973.

Terris M, Wilson F, Nelson JH

New York, New York

Baltimore, Maryland

Brooklyn, New York


This study was undertaken to investigate the relation of cancer of the cervix to circumcision status as determined by actual examination of the marital partner. A total of 1,148 histologically confirmed cases from five New York City hospitals were included in the study: 454 of invasive carcinoma, 411 of carcinoma in situ, and 283 of cervical dysplasia. Controls were matched by age and ethnic group. The examination of marital partners for circumcision status was limited to patients and matched controls who were married to first husband. Five degrees of circumcision status, i.e coverage of the glans by the foreskin were recorded. Patients married to first husband included 91 with invasive carcinoma, 140 with carcinoma in situ, and 98 with cervical dysplasia. Successful completion of examination of the marital partner was obtained for 64 of the invasive carcinoma control pairs, 103 of the carcinoma in situ pairs, and 74 of the cervical dysplasia pairs. No significant differences were found in the circumcision status of marital partners of cases and controls. This held true even when the invasive and in situ pairs were combined to provide a series of 172 pairs.

From the External link Department of Community and Preventive Medicine, External link New York Medical College, New York (Dr. Terris), The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Provident Hospital, Baltimore. (Dr. Wilson), and the External link Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, State University of New York, External link Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn. (Dr. Nelson).

This study was supported by Research Grant 5 R01 CA08234, External link National CancerInstitute.

Presented to the Epidemiology Section at the Annual Meeting of the External link American Public Health Association. Atlantic City, New Jersey, November 13, 1972.

Received for publication February 7, 1973.

Accepted May 9, 1973.

Reprint requests: Milton Terris, M.D., Department of Community and Preventive Medicine, New York Medical College, 5th Avenue at 106th Street, New York, N.Y. 10029


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