Anyone who circumcises a neonate senses the pain and stress that occurs during the manipulative stages of the procedure and certainly when the prepuce is clamped with mosquito forceps and when the dorsal slit is made. The infant cries vigorously, trembles and tries to wiggle free. He may become cyanotic from prolonged crying.
For the child, the experience is clearly more physical than psychological. We know the child feels pain--measurements of heart rate, 02 saturation, blood pressure, serum cortisol and recordings of cry and facial grimaces all give evidence that the child does indeed feel this. ... Anand's studies demonstrate that the baby has an intact neuroanatomic apparatus for the conduction of nociceptive impulses from the periphery to the sensory cortex. The baby is capable of experiencing this as a trauma. And, it is a trauma which affects his behavior in some cases for as long as twenty-four hours after circumcision. The child is not a willing participant here.
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