CIN (Circumcision Information Network) 3:21

Volume 3, Number 21, 27 May 1996

The purpose of this weekly 1000-word bulletin is to educate the public about
and to protect children and other non-consenting persons from genital
mutilation.  Readers are encouraged to copy and redistribute it, and to
contribute written material.  --Rich Angell, Editor.

To give an idea of how violence (including genital mutilation) of men is
trivialized, I present a true story of an encounter I had.  

Several years ago, when I was teaching English in Japan, The Japan Times
printed an article about a women in Australia who found a strange object on
the beach.  It turned out to be a man's severed penis.  This was not long
after another man's body, not related to this penis, was found cut into many
pieces.  My Canadian gender-feminist co-worker discovered the article.  Upon
reading it, she exclaimed, "Oh my gosh!  Did you read about the woman in
Australia who was walking on the beach and found a..."

"Yes, I sure did," I said, not wanting to hear the rest.

"Poor WOMAN!"  she said.

Contributed by Geoffrey T. Falk .

Circumcision Information and Resource Pages (CIRP) has moved.  It is no
longer at (although the old URLs will continue to
work for a time).

The new URL is

The Circumcision Reference Library has been reorganized and greatly expanded.
 Included are sections on:

## General and introductory articles
## Adult penile anatomy and function
## The normal development of the penile prepuce
## Effects of circumcision on child development, maternal bonding,
## Complications of circumcision
## Cultural and religious documents
## History of circumcision; Historical and modern rationales for circumcision
## Legal references
## Statements by paediatric societies; Discussion
## Pain of circumcision and pain control
## Psychological aspects of circumcision
## The role of the prepuce in disease, infections and hygiene
## Circumcision: Surgical methods, cost and reimbursement
## Circumcision reversal: Nonsurgical and Surgical methods
## Bioethics and human rights issues
## Circumcision statistics
## Conservative corrective treatment of penile problems (phimosis, etc)

An article by Paul M. Fleiss. MD, MPH, and Frederick Hodges
Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, April 1996.
Contributed by typist ( GEORGE HILL)
Eighth of a multi-part series.

The following resources and reading materials are very helpful.

Several national and international educational and activist professional
organizations exist which serve the medical community by sponsoring
professional symposia, providing educational materials, and advocating a
reform of medical practice.  These professional organizations offer support
and advice for health care professionals who seek to end the
socially-sanctioned genital mutilation of minors.  They also act as human
rights advocates for infants and children by informing and educating the
public that the forced amputation of genitals of an unconsenting infant or
child, whether in the name of medicine, religion or social custom, is a human
rights violation.  Physicians are urged to contact and join:

          Doctors Opposing Circumcision (DOC)
          2442 NW Market Street, Suite 42
          Seattle, Washington 98107 USA

          The National Organization of Circumcision
          Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC)
          P. O. Box 2512
          San Anselmo, CA 94979-2512  USA

          The National Organization to Halt the Abuse
          and Routine Mutilation of Males
          P. O. Box 460795
          San Francisco, California  94146 USA

          Nurses for the Rights of the Child
          369 Montezuma, Suite 354
          Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA

          The Fourth International Symposium
          on Sexual Mutilations
          University of Lausanne, Switzerland
          August 9-11 1996

Professional symposium to discuss the human rights and ethical implications.
 Presenters to include health care professionals and legal experts from
Europe, North America, Australia and Africa.  Contact DOC for information and

The following books are recommended for those seeking more information.
 These books are available from any bookstore, by order from the publisher,
or from NOCIRC.

Dr. Ritter's book is perfect for expectant parents.  It is also well suited
for professionals.

Thomas J. Ritter, MD Say No to Circumcision! 40 Compelling Reasons Why You
Should Respect His Birthright and Keep Your Son Whole.  Aptos, CA  Hourglass.
1992 [ISBN 0-9630482-0-1]

Much of the harm of circumcision does not become apparent until adulthood.
 Dr. Bigelow's book is a fascinating exploration of the history, myths, and
psychology of the circumcision problem in the U. S.  It is also the best book
on non-surgical restoration, a therapeutic procedure more and more adult
males are turning to, often on doctor's recommendations, to solve some of the
physical and sexual harm caused by infant circumcision.

Jim Bigelow, Ph. D. The Joy of Uncircumcising!  Aptos:
Hourglass. 1992, 1995 (2nd Edition) 242 pages [ISBN 0-934061-22X]

Thanks to (Don Morgan).
"Circumcision never did ME any harm."
Hymie Goldberg, inventor of KY Jelly.  This was taken on 17 May 1996 from
CIRquote, a brand new service which aims to inform, edify, and campaign for
the advantages of this "wholesome and trouble-free procedure."  This may
qualify as stupid quote of the year, for KY Jelly and other artificial
lubricants are rendered necessary primarily because of circumcision.

FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION call NOCIRC, the National Organization of
Circumcision Information Resource Centers at (415) 488-9883, fax (415)
488-9660.  Ask about the resource provider nearest you.  For written
information, write NOCIRC, PO Box 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979, with SASE
and/or donation if possible.  For further internet information, contact the
Doctors Opposing Circumcision Web site at

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The Circumcision Information and Resource Pages are a not-for-profit educational resource and library. IntactiWiki hosts this website but is not responsible for the content of this site. CIRP makes documents available without charge, for informational purposes only. The contents of this site are not intended to replace the professional medical or legal advice of a licensed practitioner.

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