Newborns Feel Pain

News  New York Times. Wednesday, 29 May 1996.

Alan Meyers

Letters to the Editor Section

To the Editor:

I was surprised by Rabbi Eugene J. Cohen's statement (letter, May 25) that neurologists have assured us that because the baby's nervous system is undeveloped at the time of circumcision, he cannot feel pain.

Recent studies like those External link reviewed in the Aug. 25, 1994, New England Journal of Medicine, using physiologic measures of distress (for example, heart rate and oxygen saturation), have dispelled this scientifically unfounded notion and demonstrated that the youngest infants do feel pain. Pediatricians have responded by changing their practice and using anesthetics for painful procedures, even in premature newborns.

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics External link Boston U. School of Medicine
Boston, May 25, 1996


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